Kieran Culkin is one of the most compelling and enjoyable actors on television today. He has a knack for playing characters who are both sympathetic and repulsive, and he brings a level of wit and intelligence to his performances that is rare to find. In the HBO series Succession, Culkin plays Roman Roy, the youngest son of a wealthy media mogul. Roman is a deeply flawed character, but Culkin makes him so watchable that it’s hard to look away. Why is Kieran Culkin so Fun to Watch on Succession?

Why is Kieran Culkin so Fun to Watch on Succession

There are a number of reasons why Kieran Culkin is so fun to watch on Succession. First, he has great comedic timing. Roman is often the funniest character on the show, and Culkin’s delivery of his lines is always on point. He also has a gift for physical comedy, and he’s not afraid to make a fool of himself.

Second, Culkin is a master of facial expressions. He can convey a wide range of emotions with just a look, and he often uses his face to great comedic effect. For example, in one scene, Roman is trying to convince his father to give him a job, and he does so with a combination of puppy dog eyes and abject terror. It’s a hilarious scene, and it’s all thanks to Culkin’s expressive face.

Third, Culkin is a great actor. He can play both comedy and drama with equal skill, and he always brings a level of depth and complexity to his characters. Roman is a complex character, and Culkin does a great job of showing both his good and bad sides. He’s also not afraid to make Roman vulnerable, and he does so in a way that makes the character even more relatable.

Finally, Kieran Culkin is just plain likable. He’s got a charming personality, and he’s easy to root for. Even when Roman is being his most awful, it’s hard to stay mad at him. Culkin is just so good at playing the character that you can’t help but be drawn in.

Overall, Kieran Culkin is a joy to watch on Succession. He’s funny, talented, and likable, and he brings a lot to the role of Roman Roy. If you’re not already watching the show, I highly recommend it.

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