The Bitter/Sweet Podcast is a weekly conversation about the good, the bad, and the ugly of life. Hosted by two best friends, Rahel Ephrem and Wintana Kidane, the show covers a wide range of topics, from relationships to career to personal development. The hosts are honest and open about their own experiences, and they offer their listeners a unique perspective on life.

BitterSweet Podcast


  • Rahel Ephrem is a writer, speaker, and podcaster. She is the founder of the blog “The Next Big Idea,” and she has written for publications such as The Huffington Post, Forbes, and Entrepreneur. Rahel is passionate about helping people live their best lives, and she believes that the best way to do that is to be honest about the good, the bad, and the ugly of life.
  • Wintana Kidane is a marketing professional and entrepreneur. She is the founder of the marketing agency “The Wintana Group,” and she has worked with clients such as Google, Facebook, and Nike. Wintana is passionate about helping businesses grow, and she believes that the best way to do that is to be creative and strategic.


  • Episode 1: “The Art of Vulnerability” In this episode, Rahel and Wintana discuss the importance of vulnerability. They share their own stories of vulnerability, and they offer advice on how to be more vulnerable in your own life.
  • Episode 2: “The Power of Failure” In this episode, Rahel and Wintana discuss the power of failure. They share their own stories of failure, and they offer advice on how to learn from your failures and move on.
  • Episode 3: “The Importance of Self-Care” In this episode, Rahel and Wintana discuss the importance of self-care. They share their own tips for taking care of yourself, both physically and mentally.


  • “I love this podcast! Rahel and Wintana are so relatable and honest, and I always learn something new from them. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a podcast that is both entertaining and insightful.”
  • “This podcast is so refreshing! Rahel and Wintana are not afraid to talk about the tough stuff, and they always offer a unique perspective. I love listening to them talk about their own experiences, and I always feel inspired after listening to their show.”
  • “This podcast is a must-listen for anyone who is looking to live a more fulfilling life. Rahel and Wintana are so knowledgeable and helpful, and they always offer great advice. I’m so glad I found this podcast!”
  • “I love listening to Rahel and Wintana talk about their lives. They are so open and honest, and they always make me laugh. I also love their advice on relationships, career, and personal development. This is one of my favorite podcasts!”
  • “This podcast is so positive and uplifting! Rahel and Wintana are such an inspiration, and they always make me feel good about myself. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is looking for a little pick-me-up.”

More Podcast to listen to here!