The Aware & Aggravated Podcast is a self-improvement podcast hosted by Leo Skepi. Leo is a certified life coach and personal development enthusiast. He is passionate about helping people live their best lives, and he uses his podcast to share his insights and advice. In each episode, Leo discusses a different topic related to self-improvement. He talks about topics such as mindset, productivity, relationships, and more. He also interviews experts in the field of self-improvement. Leo’s goal is to help people become more aware of themselves and their potential. He wants to help people live lives that are full of purpose and meaning.

Aware & Aggravated Podcast


  • Leo Skepi: Leo is a certified life coach and personal development enthusiast. He is passionate about helping people live their best lives, and he uses his podcast to share his insights and advice.


  • Title: Revenge is Healing
  • Synopsis: In this episode, Leo talks about the importance of forgiveness and letting go of anger. He shares his own personal story of how he was able to forgive someone who had wronged him, and he explains how forgiveness can help you to heal and move on with your life.
  • Title: Your Days of People Pleasing Are Over
  • Synopsis: In this episode, Leo talks about the dangers of people pleasing. He explains how people pleasing can lead to resentment, anxiety, and low self-esteem. He also shares tips on how to stop people pleasing and start living your own life.
  • Title: Start Being Selfish With Your Energy
  • Synopsis: In this episode, Leo talks about the importance of taking care of yourself. He explains how you need to be selfish with your time and energy in order to be your best self. He also shares tips on how to set boundaries and say no to things that are not important to you.


  • “I love this podcast! Leo is so inspiring and helpful. He has helped me to change my life for the better.”
  • “This podcast is a must-listen for anyone who is looking to improve their life. Leo is so knowledgeable and he shares his insights in a way that is easy to understand and apply.”
  • “I have been listening to this podcast for a few months now and I have already seen a big difference in my life. Leo’s advice is practical and helpful, and he has helped me to become more aware of myself and my potential.”
  • “This podcast is a breath of fresh air. Leo is so positive and encouraging, and he always has something helpful to say. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is looking to improve their life.”
  • “I love Leo’s sense of humor and his down-to-earth approach to self-improvement. He makes it easy to learn and apply his advice, and I always feel motivated after listening to his podcast.”

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